Welcome to RunOnRailsβ
The development of this project has been stopped
The project's development is currently on hold, and it looks like it will stay that way for the foreseeable future. Honestly, given these conditions we don't feel comfortable charging anything. Because of this, access to new users and access to the payment system will be closed from now on. Players who supported us will be able to continue playing without having to pay for renewals.
We truly appreciate all the support from our users. Thank you all very much!
What is RunOnRails?
- A realistic train driving simulator. You will act as a train engineer and drive your train to its destination, following railroad rules, signals and speeds.
- It is a multiplayer online game. You will drive your train inside a simulation shared with other players driving their own trains.
- It is a first person game, you will manage the train systems by touching them, just like real train engineers do.
- It has accurate physics. Train performance and motion are very close to the real thing.
- Sceneries are based on real routes.
- AI dispatchers and CTCs will configure turnouts and signals to route your train.
- Your work will be evaluated and recorded in your history. You can build a career with accounted miles, hours, and incidents.
- It is multiplatform, runs on GNU/Linux, Mac and Windows. The simulator will run inside your web browser, and is capable to fullscreen at high resolutions and framerates.
What is not RunOnRails?
- It is not a collision simulator. Collisions are not modeled, so you will only get a message and simulation will be terminated if you derail or collide your train.
- It is not a railroad company simulator. You do not need to manage finances, industries, label vehicles or dispatch trains. Your role will be always a train engineer.
What trains and routes are available?
- On Northeast US, 80 miles of the Lehigh Line, 30 miles of Trenton Subdivision, and 20 miles of Raritan Valley Line are modeled.
- On Southwest US, the full Cajon Subdivision and Cima Subdivision are available, adding up more than 250 miles of scenic desert route.
- Trains: Dash8-40CW and GP40-2 locomotives with some freight and passenger cars.
What computer is needed?
Since most of the simulation computing is done in our servers, you will only need a mid range computer.
- An 8th generation i5 with 8GiB RAM or equivalent is recommended.
- Integrated graphics of current CPUs will run the simulator at reasonable framerates. Dedicated graphics card can give better results, but it's not mandatory.
- A reliable Internet connection. You need to be connected to our servers all the simulation time.
- Any operating system able to run an updated web browser. GNU/Linux, Mac or Windows are ok.
What do I need to download?
- You must have installed an updated and standards compliant web browser. This is the only software installation you will need. We are mainly using Chromium and Firefox for development, so we know they work well.
- Since RunOnRails is played inside the web browser. You do not need to download any software from us. You also do not need any plugin for your web browser.
Have a nice and safe journey!